Pengertian dan Cara Mengatasi Heartbleed dan Daftar Situs yang Terkena Dampak
Pengertian dan Cara Mengatasi Heartbleed dan Daftar Situs yang Terkena Dampak - Hallo sobat Jogja Android Blog, Pada Artikel yang sobat baca kali ini dengan judul Pengertian dan Cara Mengatasi Heartbleed dan Daftar Situs yang Terkena Dampak, kami telah mempersiapkan artikel ini dengan baik untuk sobat baca dan ambil informasi didalamnya. Mudah-mudahan isi postingan Pengertian dan Cara Mengatasi Heartbleed dan Daftar Situs yang Terkena Dampak yang kami tulis ini dapat sobat Jogja Android Blog pahami. Baiklah, selamat membaca sambil menikmati kopi.
Jangan lupa membaca artikel kami sebelumnya, mengenai > Panduan Bisnis Online bagi Pemula.Hei, belakangan ini apa kalian pernah mendengar tentang isu di Internet tentang Heartbleed ? bagaimana media luar seperti Mashable dan media lokal seperti Kompas, detik dan yang lainnya menyebutkan bahwa kita diwajibkan untuk mengganti password sejumlah akun website dan social media seperti facebook dan gmail ?
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Heartbleed Bug |
nah isu ini sebenarnya sudah lama sekali beredar sejak tahun 2011 silam, namun nampaknya pada tahun itu banyak pihak yang tidak merespon akan adanya heartbleed ini. nah pada kesempatan kali ini, admin akan memberikan sejumlah artikel yang disadur dari media luar mengenai Apasih Heartbleed itu ?, Bagaimana Cara mencegah serangan heartbleed ? dan Situs apa saja yang terkena dampak heartbleed. silahkan disimak dengan baik. :)
Sebuah kegagalan enkripsi bernama Heartbleed telah berhasil memanggil salah satu celah keamanan terbesar di Internet yang pernah kita temui. hal ini menular terhadap beberapa situs besar dan pelayanannya dimana mungkin setiap hari kita memakainya, seperti Gmail, dan Facebook dan mungkin akibat hal ini, data pribadi kita seperti password dan nomor credit card dapat terlihat oleh pihak - pihak tertentu.
Nah gara - gara heartbleed ini juga perusahaan rahasia besar yang menggunakan Open SSL juga kemungkinan besar akan dapat diretas oleh cracker yang menggunakan "kunci Digital" untuk dapat masuk ke sistem mereka. wah kalau seperti ini tentunya akan menjadi suatu masalah yang sangat serius sekali dimana orang yang tidak bertanggung jawab dapat dengan mudah memanfaatkan dan menyalahgunakan data kita untuk keperluan mereka.
Open SSL
Mungkin ada yang bertanya, apasih sebenarnya Open SSL itu ? nah disini akan dijelaskan apa itu SSL.
pada intinya SSL merupakan singkatan dari (Secure Socket Layer) dimana tujuannya untuk mengenkripsi data digital pada saat ada koneksi internet dari satu server ke server lainnya sehingga dapat mencegah terjadinya kebocoran informasi secara bebas.
Nah sedangkan Open SSL merupakan salah satu software yang digunakan untuk mengakses SSL tersebut, Open SSL bersifat open source dan hingga saat ini ada sekitar 66 % website yang ada di dunia ini adalah pengguna Open SSL.
Bentuk OpenSSL Seperti apa ?, well Open SSL tidak berbentuk, tetapi untuk lebih mudah memahaminya, coba kalian akses Google Mail (Gmail) atau facebook, pasti di depan URL tersebut menggunakan (Https://) nah Https inilah salah satu ciri pengguna Open SSL.
Bagaimana Cara Melindungi dan Mencegah Heartbleed ?
Bug Heartbleed ini ditemukan pertama kali oleh Google Security team dan software yang bernama Codenomicon. kita patut berterimakasih kepada mereka karena berkat mereka hingga saat ini dari data yang diterima dinyatakan bahwa tidak/beluma ada satu aksi pun yang di ambil oleh para Hacker maupun cracker tersebut karena celah ini ditemukan oleh security team tersebut pertama kali. namun, apa salahnya jika kita mengetahui bagaimana cara melindungi dan mencegah dari bug heartbleed ini.
1. Langkah Pertama, silahkan cek apakah situs yang biasa anda gunakan terinfeksi oleh bug ini atau tidak. jika anda mau mengecek daftar panjang website yang terkena dampaknya , anda bisa bisa mengecek situs tersebut dengan Heartbleed Checker yang di buat oleh password security LastPass. disitu anda bisa memasukan alamat website yang ingin anda cek.
2. Selanjutnya, ganti password akun , email, banking pada website yang terinfeksi oleh heartbleed namun website tersebut harus sudah melakukan patch terhadap heartbleed. jika website tersebut belum melakukan patch, tentunya akan sulit karena percuma kita mengganti password kecuali kita menanyakan kepada pihak website tersebut untuk segera melakukan patch terhadap sistem keamanan mereka.
3. Yang penting diperhatikan adalah website yang memiliki informasi penting diri kita seperti Yahoo, facebook dan Gmail. dimana pengguna diharuskan melakukan pergantian password mereka jika mereka memiliki data yang dirasa penting dan sangat rahasia.
Daftar Website yang terkena dampak Heartbleed
Berikut ini merupakan daftar nama - nama website yang terkena dampak Heartbleed, anda bisa melakukan pencarian dengan menggunakan shortcut CTRL + F untuk mempermudah pencarian. daftar ini admin sadur dari website Mashable.
Social Networks
Was it affected? | Is there a patch? | Do you need to change your password? | What did they say? | |
Facebook | Unclear | Yes | YesYes | "We added protections for Facebook’s implementation of OpenSSL before this issue was publicly disclosed. We haven’t detected any signs of suspicious account activity, but we encourage people to ... set up a unique password." |
Instagram | Yes | Yes | YesYes | "Our security teams worked quickly on a fix and we have no evidence of any accounts being harmed. But because this event impacted many services across the web, we recommend you update your password on Instagram and other sites, particularly if you use the same password on multiple sites.” |
LinkedIn | No | No | No | "We didn't use the offending implementation of OpenSSL in or As a result, HeartBleed does not present a risk to these web properties." |
Pinterest | Yes | Yes | YesYes | "We fixed the issue on, and didn’t find any evidence of mischief. To be extra careful, we e-mailed Pinners who may have been impacted, and encouraged them to change their passwords." |
Tumblr | Yes | Yes | YesYes | "We have no evidence of any breach and, like most networks, our team took immediate action to fix the issue." |
Twitter | No | Yes | Unclear | Twitter wrote that OpenSSL "is widely used across the internet and at Twitter. We were able to determine that [our] servers were not affected by this vulnerability. We are continuing to monitor the situation." While reiterating that they were unaffected, Twitter toldMashable that they did apply a patch. |
Other Companies
Was it affected? | Is there a patch? | Do you need to change your password? | What did they say? | |
Apple | No | No | No | "iOS and OS X never incorporated the vulnerable software and key web-based services were not affected." |
Amazon | No | No | No | " is not affected." |
Google | Yes | Yes | YesYes* | “We have assessed the SSL vulnerability and applied patches to key Google services.” Search, Gmail, YouTube, Wallet, Play, Apps and App Engine were affected; Google Chrome and Chrome OS were not. *Google said users do not need to change their passwords, but because of the previous vulnerability, better safe than sorry. |
Microsoft | No | No | No | Microsoft services were not running OpenSSL, according to LastPass. |
Yahoo | Yes | Yes | YesYes | "As soon as we became aware of the issue, we began working to fix it... and we are working to implement the fix across the rest of our sites right now." Yahoo Homepage, Yahoo Search, Yahoo Mail, Yahoo Finance, Yahoo Sports, Yahoo Food, Yahoo Tech, Flickr and Tumblr were patched. More patches to come, Yahoo says. |
Was it affected? | Is there a patch? | Do you need to change your password? | What did they say? | |
AOL | No | No | No | AOL told Mashable it was not running the vulnerable version of the software. |
Gmail | Yes | Yes | YesYes* | “We have assessed the SSL vulnerability and applied patches to key Google services.” *Google said users do not need to change their passwords, but because of the previous vulnerability, better safe than sorry. |
Hotmail / Outlook | No | No | No | Microsoft services were not running OpenSSL, according to LastPass. |
Yahoo Mail | Yes | Yes | YesYes | "As soon as we became aware of the issue, we began working to fix it... and we are working to implement the fix across the rest of our sites right now." |
Stores and Commerce
Was it affected? | Is there a patch? | Do you need to change your password? | What did they say? | |
Amazon | No | No | No | " is not affected." |
Amazon Web Services(for website operators) | Yes | Yes | YesYes | Most services were unaffected or Amazon was already able to apply mitigations (see advisory note here). Elastic Load Balancing, Amazon EC2, Amazon Linux AMI, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Ubuntu, AWS OpsWorks, AWS Elastic Beanstalk and Amazon CloudFront were patched. |
eBay | No | No | No | " was never vulnerable to this bug because we were never running a vulnerable version of OpenSSL." |
Etsy | Yes* | Yes | YesYes | Etsy said that only a small part of its infrastructure was vulnerable, and they have patched it. |
GoDaddy | Yes | Yes | YesYes | "We’ve been updating GoDaddy services that use the affected OpenSSL version." Full Statement |
Groupon | No | No | No | " does not utilize a version of the OpenSSL library that is susceptible to the Heartbleed bug." |
Nordstrom | No | No | No | "Nordstrom websites do not use OpenSSL encryption." |
PayPal | No | No | No | "Your PayPal account details were not exposed in the past and remain secure." Full Statement |
Target | No | No | No | "[We] launched a comprehensive review of all external facing aspects of and do not currently believe that any external-facing aspects of our sites are impacted by the OpenSSL vulnerability." |
Walmart | No | No | No | "We do not use that technology so we have not been impacted by this particular breach." |
Videos, Photos, Games & Entertainment
Was it affected? | Is there a patch? | Do you need to change your password? | What did they say? | |
Flickr | Yes | Yes | YesYes | "As soon as we became aware of the issue, we began working to fix it... and we are working to implement the fix across the rest of our sites right now." |
Hulu | No | No | No | No comment provided. |
Minecraft | Yes | Yes | YesYes | "We were forced to temporary suspend all of our services. ... The exploit has been fixed. We can not guarantee that your information wasn't compromised." More Information |
Netflix | Yes | Yes | YesYes | "Like many companies, we took immediate action to assess the vulnerability and address it. We are not aware of any customer impact. It’s a good practice to change passwords from time to time, now would be a good time to think about doing so. " |
SoundCloud | Yes | Yes | YesYes | SoundCloud emphasized that there were no indications of any foul play and that the company's actions were simply precautionary. |
YouTube | Yes | Yes | YesYes* | “We have assessed the SSL vulnerability and applied patches to key Google services.” *Google said users do not need to change their passwords, but because of the previous vulnerability, better safe than sorry. |
Semua daftar bank disini telah kami kontak, dan mereka menyatakan bahwa mereka telah bebas dari infeksi dari heartbleed, namun peraturan dari US telah memperingati mereka untuk segera melakukan patch sistem
Was it affected? | Is there a patch? | Do you need to change your password? | What did they say? | |
American Express | No | No | No | "There was no compromise of any customer data. While we are not requiring customers to take any specific action at this time, it is a good security practice to regularly update Internet passwords." |
Bank of America | No | No | No | "A majority of our platforms do NOT use OpenSSL, and the ones that do, we have confirmed no vulnerabilities." |
Barclays | No | No | No | No comment provided. |
Capital One | No | No | No | "Capital One uses a version of encryption that is not vulnerable to Heartbleed." |
Chase | No | No | No | "These sites don’t use the encryption software that is vulnerable to the Heartbleed bug." |
Citigroup | No | No | No | Citigroup does not use Open SSL in "customer-facing retail banking and credit card sites and mobile apps" |
E*Trade | No | No | No | E*Trade is still investigating. |
Fidelity | No | No | No | "We have multiple layers of security in place to protect our customer sites and services." |
PNC | No | No | No | "We have tested our online and mobile banking systems and confirmed that they are not vulnerable to the Heartbleed bug." |
Schwab | No | No | No | "Efforts to date have not detected this vulnerability on or any of our online channels." |
Scottrade | No | No | No | "Scottrade does not use the affected version of OpenSSL on any of our client-facing platforms." |
TD Ameritrade | No | No | No | TD Ameritrade "doesn't use the versions of openSSL that were vulnerable." |
TD Bank | No | No | No | "We're currently taking precautions and steps to protect customer data from this threat and have no reason to believe any customer data has been compromised in the past." |
T. Rowe Price | No | No | No | "The T. Rowe Price websites are not vulnerable to the “Heartbleed” SSL bug nor were they vulnerable in the past." |
U.S. Bank | No | No | No | "We do not use OpenSSL for customer-facing, Internet banking channels, so U.S. Bank customer data is NOT at risk." |
Vanguard | No | No | No | "We are not using, and have not used, the vulnerable version of OpenSSL." |
Wells Fargo | No | No | No | No reason provided. |
Government and Taxes
Was it affected? | Is there a patch? | Do you need to change your password? | What did they say? | |
---|---|---|---|---| | No | No | No | "We're not vulnerable to the Heartbleed bug, as we do not use OpenSSL." |
FileYour | No | No | No | "We continuously patch our servers to keep them updated. However, the version we use was not affected by the issue, so no action was taken." |
H&R Block | No | No | No | "We are reviewing our systems and currently have found no risk to client data from this issue." |
Healthcare .gov | No | No | No | " consumer accounts are not affected by this vulnerability." |
Intuit (TurboTax) | No | No | No | Turbotax wrote that "engineers have verified TurboTax is not affected by Heartbleed." The company has issued new certificates anyway, and said it's not "proactively advising" users to change their passwords. |
IRS | No | No | No | "The IRS continues to accept tax returns as normal ... and systems continue operating and are not affected by this bug. We are not aware of any security vulnerabilities related to this situation." |
TaxACT | No | No | No | "Customers can update their passwords at any time, although we are not proactively advising them to do so at this time." |
USAA | Yes | Yes | YesYes | USAA said that it has "already taken measures to help prevent a data breach and implemented a patch earlier this week." |
Was it affected? | Is there a patch? | Do you need to change your password? | What did they say? | |
Box | Yes | Yes | YesYes | "We're currently working with our customers to proactively reset passwords and are also reissuing new SSL certificates for added protection." |
Dropbox | Yes | Yes | YesYes | On Twitter: "We’ve patched all of our user-facing services & will continue to work to make sure your stuff is always safe." |
Evernote | No | No | No | "Evernote's service, Evernote apps, and Evernote websites ... all use non-OpenSSL implementations of SSL/TLS to encrypt network communications."Full Statement |
GitHub | Yes | Yes | YesYes | GitHub said it has patched all its systems, deployed new SSL certificates and revoked old ones. GitHub is asking all users to change password, enable two-factor authentication and "revoke and recreate personal access and application tokens." |
IFTTT | Yes | Yes | YesYes | IFTTT emailed all its users and logged them out, prompting them to change their password on the site. |
OKCupid | Yes | Yes | YesYes | "We, like most of the Internet, were stunned that such a serious bug has existed for so long and was so widespread." |
Spark Networks (JDate, Christian Mingle) | No | No | No | Sites do not use OpenSSL. |
SpiderOak | Yes | Yes | No | Spideroak said it patched its servers, but the desktop client doesn't use a vulnerable version of OpenSSL, so "customers do not need to take any special action." |
Wikipedia(if you have an account) | Yes | Yes | YesYes | "We recommend changing your password as a standard precautionary measure, but we do not currently intend to enforce a password change for all users." Full Statement |
Wordpress | Unclear | Unclear | Unclear | Wordpress tweeted that it has taken "immediate steps" and "addressed the Heartbleed OpenSSL exploit," but it's unclear if the issue is completely solder. When someone asked Matt Mullenweg, WordPress' founding developer, when the site's SSL certificates will be replaced and when users will be able to reset passwords, he simplyanswered: "soon." |
Wunderlist | Yes | Yes | YesYes | "You’ll have to simply log back into Wunderlist. We also strongly recommend that you reset your password for Wunderlist."Full Statement |
Password Managers
Was it affected? | Is there a patch? | Do you need to change your password? | What did they say? | |
1Password | No | No | No | 1Password said in a blog post that its technology "is not built upon SSL/TLS in general, and not upon OpenSSL in particular." So users don't need to change their master password. |
Dashlane | Yes | Yes | No | Dashlane said in a blog post users' accounts were not impacted and the master password is safe as it is never transmitted. The site does use OpenSSL when syncing data with its servers but Dashlane said it has patched the bug, issued new SSL certificates and revoked previous ones. |
LastPass | Yes | Yes | No | "Though LastPass employs OpenSSL, we have multiple layers of encryption to protect our users and never have access to those encryption keys." Users don't need to change their master passwords because they're never sent to the server. But passwords for other sites stored in LastPass might need to be changed. |
Jadi Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil adalah, bahwa Heartbleed merupakan Bug keamanan yang terjadi dan dialami oleh website yang menggunakan Open SSL. dan jika anda mempunyai akun di website yang ada di dalam daftar diatas, Segera lakukan pergantian Password. karena "lebih baik mencegah daripada mengobati".
Jadi Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil adalah, bahwa Heartbleed merupakan Bug keamanan yang terjadi dan dialami oleh website yang menggunakan Open SSL. dan jika anda mempunyai akun di website yang ada di dalam daftar diatas, Segera lakukan pergantian Password. karena "lebih baik mencegah daripada mengobati".
Demikianlah aritkel Heartbleed, Bug Security dan Cara Mengatasinya. semoga artikel ini dapat menjawab pertanyaan anda "Apakah harus ganti password ?, Apakah heartbleed itu ?, Bagaimana mengatasi heartbleed, bagaimana melakukan patch heartbleed. " salam Solusi masalah Komputer :)
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