[MOD][GUIDE] Slider Brightness CM7 For GB[all Rom]

[MOD][GUIDE] Slider Brightness CM7 For GB[all Rom] - Hallo sobat Jogja Android Blog, Pada Artikel yang sobat baca kali ini dengan judul [MOD][GUIDE] Slider Brightness CM7 For GB[all Rom] , kami telah mempersiapkan artikel ini dengan baik untuk sobat baca dan ambil informasi didalamnya. Mudah-mudahan isi postingan [MOD][GUIDE] Slider Brightness CM7 For GB[all Rom] yang kami tulis ini dapat sobat Jogja Android Blog pahami. Baiklah, selamat membaca sambil menikmati kopi.

[MOD][GUIDE] Slider Brightness CM7 For GB[all Rom]

Hello after learning some smali from CM7.2 with clues from b16h22 and percy finally i can implement this MOD to our device and i think it can be implemented too for other GB device soo big thanks goes to:

Autoradio78 for smali sources and dev of new experiences rom
b16h22 aka lee panda for some references
percy for his ported new experiences cm7.2 with this smali

ok lets goto Guide:

first of all need some requirment for this MOD


*know how to decompile Apk file
*apkmanager/apktool/vts are fine
*attached file here

Step By Step :

1. Decompile systemui.apk
2. Ekstract attached file copy attached smali file to smali/com/lidroid/systemui/qickpanel/HERE
and slider_brighness.smali $1,$2 to com/android/systemui/statusbar/here
copy brightness_setting_view.smali,$1,automaticObserver .smali,brightnessObserver.smali to com/android/systemi/statusbar/quickpanel/here

3. Copy brightness_seekbar.xml to drawable folder
copy background_bg.png to drawable-ldpi folder
copy quickpanel_brightness_icon.png to drawable-hdpi(in my ui case) u can place it on mdpi foldere or ldpi
copy qp_brightness.xml to layout folder
copy quickpanel_brightness_settings.xml to layout folder
4. Open statusbar_expanded.xml with notepad++ add this line

<include layout="@layout/qp_brightness" />
u can place it under linear layout or relative layout

5. Go to values folder find string.xml open with notepad++ add this lineabove resources
<string name="brightness_settings_title" />
<string name="brightness_settings_automatic" />

6. Open ids.xml open with notepad++ add this line
<item type="id" name="title">false</item>
<item type="id" name="brightness">false</item>
<item type="id" name="automatic">false</item>
7. Save all change then recompile your UI project
8. Test it on your phone
9. Enjoiy

Sumber :

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