[GUIDE] Recent Wood Style with Ram Progress Bar + Clear all Recent
[GUIDE] Recent Wood Style with Ram Progress Bar + Clear all Recent - Hallo sobat Jogja Android Blog, Pada Artikel yang sobat baca kali ini dengan judul [GUIDE] Recent Wood Style with Ram Progress Bar + Clear all Recent, kami telah mempersiapkan artikel ini dengan baik untuk sobat baca dan ambil informasi didalamnya. Mudah-mudahan isi postingan [GUIDE] Recent Wood Style with Ram Progress Bar + Clear all Recent yang kami tulis ini dapat sobat Jogja Android Blog pahami. Baiklah, selamat membaca sambil menikmati kopi.
Tested in jb 4.2.2 (320x480 resolution)if grama big screen resolution to be adjusted again
You has installed Asteroid Taskmanager.apk, If you didn't installed. Download this, extract, then install.
1. Apktool
2. Rootex / 920 Text Editor
3. Framework_res.apk
4. Settings.apk
5. SystemUI.apk
6. Setting_src.zip [Download]
7. SystemUI_src.zip [Download]
![[GUIDE] Recent Wood Style with Ram Progress Bar + Clear all Recent [GUIDE] Recent Wood Style with Ram Progress Bar + Clear all Recent](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg0ZkKJYv5KrId6acj19CI99jVAoeXCQ3XqfcDo-8gYm4Fl_0epvbBcEgB6gtUoX86XGHR-jxMhTy4yJijmvKLe26WvhPFpQnl_XIjxsLQ5Ozp9tr1yXKKwtfoPfnYQksPW8fJM2eW4qlE/s1600/Screenshot.png)
- Decompiled framework-res.apk
- Open Framework-res_src / res / values / dimens.xml
<Dimen name = "thumbnail_height"> 160.0dip </ Dimen>
<Dimen name = "thumbnail_width"> 240.0dip </ Dimen>
- save
- recompile
- sign
- Decompile Settings.apk
- Put the material of Settings_src into place
- Open Settings_src agan
- Go to res / xml / display_settings.xml (option)
add to:
<PreferenceScreen android: title = "Ram Progress Bar" android: key = "adi_vanir_settings" android: summary = "@ string / dhenz_ram_progres_bar_summary" android: fragment = "com.android.settings.adi.VanirRamProgressBar" />
</ PreperenceCategory>
- Open values / strings.xml
add to:
<string name = "dhenz_ram_progres_bar_summary"> Show ram recent progress bar in panel </ string>
</ resources>
- recompile
- Decompile again
- Open Settings_src_src (decompiled to 2)
- Into the res / values / publics.xml
- Looking for:
<public type = "xml" name = "dhenz_ram_progres_bar" id = "0x7f ??????" /> ==> Its record id
- Open smali / com / android / adi / VanirRamProgressBar.smali
find 0x7f06005a
replace with id that just now in note
- save
- recompile
- Sign in
- Decompile SystemUi.apk
- Input material from SystemUI_src to his place
- Open SystemUI_src (you have)
res / values / colors.xml
add to:
<color name = "dhenz_text_color_on"> # ff00ff32 </ color>
</ resources>
- save
- recompile
- Decompile again
- Open SystemUI_src_src (decompiled to 2)
- Open the res / values / public.xml
<public type = "id" name = "dhenz_recents_memory_text" id = "0x7f ??????" /> ==> Record its code
<public type = "id" name = "recents_memory_bar" id = "0x7f ??????" /> ==> Record its code
<public type = "id" name = "dhenz_recents_clear_all_button" id = "0x7f ??????" /> ==> Record its code
<public type = "string" name = "accessibility_recents_item_dismissed" id = "0x7f ??????" />
==>Record its code
- Open smali / com / android / systemui / recent / RecentsPanelView.smali
Search Code:
iget-object v1, p0, LCOM / android / systemui / recent / RecentsPanelView; -> mPopup: Landroid / widgets / PopupMenu;
invoke-virtual {v1}, Landroid / widgets / PopupMenu; -> dismiss () V
goto: goto_2
.end method
Add code:
.method private showMemDisplay () Z
.locals 7
const / 16 v5, 0x8
const / 4 v3, 0x1
const / 4 v4, 0x0
.line 994
iget-object v0, p0, LCOM / android / systemui / recent / RecentsPanelView; -> mContext: Landroid / Content / Context;
invoke-virtual {v0}, Landroid / content / Context; -> getContentResolver () Landroid / content / ContentResolver;
move-result-object v0
const-string v1, "adi_beanning_rom_ram_progrees_bar"
invoke-static {v0, v1, v4}, Landroid / provider / Settings $ System; -> getInt (Landroid / content / ContentResolver; Ljava / lang / String; I) I
move-result v0
if-ne v0, v3,: cond_0
move v2, v3
.line 997
: goto_0
const v0, 0x7f0900f0
invoke-virtual {p0, v0}, LCOM / android / systemui / recent / RecentsPanelView; -> findViewById (I) Landroid / view / View;
move-result-object v0
check-cast v0, Landroid / widgets / TextView;
.line 998
const v1, 0x7f0900ef
invoke-virtual {p0, v1}, LCOM / android / systemui / recent / RecentsPanelView; -> findViewById (I) Landroid / view / View;
move-result-object v1
check-cast v1, Landroid / widgets / ProgressBar;
.line 1000
if-nez v2: cond_1
.line 1001
invoke-virtual {v0, v5}, Landroid / widgets / TextView; -> setVisibility (I) V
.line 1002
invoke-virtual {v1, v5}, Landroid / widgets / ProgressBar; -> setVisibility (I) V
.line 1015
: goto_1
return v4
: cond_0
move v2, v4
.line 994
goto: goto_0
.line 1006
: cond_1
invoke-virtual {v0, v4}, Landroid / widgets / TextView; -> setVisibility (I) V
.line 1007
invoke-virtual {v1, v4}, Landroid / widgets / ProgressBar; -> setVisibility (I) V
.line 1009
invoke-virtual {p0}, LCOM / android / systemui / recent / RecentsPanelView; -> getTotalMemory () I
move-result v2
.line 1010
invoke-virtual {v1, v2}, Landroid / widgets / ProgressBar; -> setMax (I) V
.line 1012
invoke-direct {p0}, LCOM / android / systemui / recent / RecentsPanelView; -> getAvailMemory () Ljava / lang / String;
move-result-object v4
invoke-static {v4}, Ljava / lang / Integer; -> parseInt (Ljava / lang / String;) I
move-result v4
.line 1013
new-instance v5, Ljava / lang / StringBuilder;
invoke-direct {v5}, Ljava / lang / StringBuilder; -> <init> () V
const-string v6, "Free RAM:"
invoke-virtual {v5, v6}, Ljava / lang / StringBuilder; -> append (Ljava / lang / String;) Ljava / lang / StringBuilder;
move-result-object v5
invoke-static {v4}, Ljava / lang / String; -> valueOf (I) Ljava / lang / String;
move-result-object v6
invoke-virtual {v5, v6}, Ljava / lang / StringBuilder; -> append (Ljava / lang / String;) Ljava / lang / StringBuilder;
move-result-object v5
const-string v6, "MB"
invoke-virtual {v5, v6}, Ljava / lang / StringBuilder; -> append (Ljava / lang / String;) Ljava / lang / StringBuilder;
move-result-object v5
invoke-virtual {v5}, Ljava / lang / StringBuilder; -> toString () Ljava / lang / String;
move-result-object v5
invoke-virtual {v0, v5}, Landroid / widgets / TextView; -> setText (Ljava / lang / CharSequence;) V
.line 1014
sub-int v0, v2, v4
invoke-virtual {v1, v0}, Landroid / widgets / ProgressBar; -> setProgress (I) V
move v4, v3
.line 1015
goto: goto_1
.end method
.................................................. ............................................
before the code:
.method private startApplicationDetailsActivity (Ljava / lang / String;) V
.locals 4
.parameter "packageName"
.line 742
new-instance v0, Landroid / content / Intent;
const-string v1, "android.settings.APPLICATION_DETAILS_SETTINGS"
const-string v2, "package"
change id = 0x7f0900f0 with id that is already in the record before
<public type = "id" name = "dhenz_recents_memory_text" id = "0x7f ??????" />
change id = 0x7f0900ef with id that is already in the record before
<public type = "id" name = "dhenz_recents_memory_bar" id = "0x7f ??????" />
- Search method Code:
.method public handleSwipe (Landroid / view / View;) V
.locals 7
.parameter "view"
const / 4 v4, 0x1
.line 709
invoke-virtual {p1}, Landroid / view / View; -> getTag () Ljava / lang / Object;
move-result-object v2
check-cast v2, LCOM / android / systemui / recent / RecentsPanelView $ ViewHolder;
iget-object v0, v2,Lcom/android/systemui/recent/RecentsPanelView$ViewHolder;->taskDescription:Lcom/android/systemui/recent/TaskDescription;
.line 710
.local v0, ad: LCOM / android / systemui / recent / TaskDescription;
if-nez v0,: cond_1
.line 711
const-string v2, "RecentsPanelView"
new-instance v3, Ljava / lang / StringBuilder;
invoke-direct {v3}, Ljava / lang / StringBuilder; -> <init> () V
const-string v4, "Not Able to find swiped activity description for the task; view ="
invoke-virtual {v3, v4}, Ljava / lang / StringBuilder; -> append (Ljava / lang / String;) Ljava / lang / StringBuilder;
move-result-object v3
invoke-virtual {v3, p1}, Ljava / lang / StringBuilder; -> append (Ljava / lang / Object;) Ljava / lang / StringBuilder;
move-result-object v3
const-string v4, "tag ="
invoke-virtual {v3, v4}, Ljava / lang / StringBuilder; -> append (Ljava / lang / String;) Ljava / lang / StringBuilder;
move-result-object v3
invoke-virtual {p1}, Landroid / view / View; -> getTag () Ljava / lang / Object;
move-result-object v4
invoke-virtual {v3, v4}, Ljava / lang / StringBuilder; -> append (Ljava / lang / Object;) Ljava / lang / StringBuilder;
move-result-object v3
invoke-virtual {v3}, Ljava / lang / StringBuilder; -> toString () Ljava / lang / String;
move-result-object v3
invoke-static {v2, v3}, Landroid / util / Logs; -> v (Ljava / lang / String; Ljava / lang / String;) I
.line 739
: cond_0
: goto_0
.line 716
: cond_1
iget-object v2, p0, LCOM / android / systemui / recent / RecentsPanelView; -> mRecentTaskDescriptions: Ljava / util / ArrayList;
invoke-virtual {v2, v0}, Ljava / util / ArrayList; -> remove (Ljava / lang / Object;) Z
.line 717
iget-object v2, p0,Lcom/android/systemui/recent/RecentsPanelView;->mRecentTasksLoader:Lcom/android/systemui/recent/RecentTasksLoader;
invoke-virtual {v2, v0},Lcom/android/systemui/recent/RecentTasksLoader;->remove(Lcom/android/systemui/recent/TaskDescription;)V
.line 722
iget-object v2, p0, LCOM / android / systemui / recent / RecentsPanelView; -> mRecentTaskDescriptions: Ljava / util / ArrayList;
invoke-virtual {v2}, Ljava / util / ArrayList; -> size () I
move-result v2
if-nez v2: cond_2
.line 723
invoke-virtual {p0}, LCOM / android / systemui / recent / RecentsPanelView; -> dismissAndGoBack () V
.line 728
: cond_2
iget-object v2, p0, LCOM / android / systemui / recent / RecentsPanelView; -> mContext: Landroid / Content / Context;
const-string v3, "activity"
invoke-virtual {v2, v3}, Landroid / content / Context; -> getSystemService (Ljava / lang / String;) Ljava / lang / Object;
move-result-object v1
check-cast v1, Landroid / app / ActivityManager;
.line 730
.local v1, am: Landroid / app / ActivityManager;
if-eqz v1,: cond_0
.line 731
iget v2, v0, LCOM / android / systemui / recent / TaskDescription; -> persistentTaskId: I
invoke-virtual {v1, v2, v4}, Landroid / app / ActivityManager; -> removeTask (II) Z
.line 734
iget-object v2, p0, LCOM / android / systemui / recent / RecentsPanelView; -> mContext: Landroid / Content / Context;
const v3, 0x7f0a00ba
new-array v4, v4, [Ljava / lang / Object;
const / 4 v5, 0x0
invoke-virtual {v0}, LCOM / android / systemui / recent / TaskDescription; -> getLabel () Ljava / lang / CharSequence;
move-result-object v6
aput-object v6, v4, v5
invoke-virtual {v2, v3, v4}, Landroid / content / Context; -> GetString (I [Ljava / lang / Object;) Ljava / lang / String;
move-result-object v2
invoke-virtual {p0, v2}, LCOM / android / systemui / recent / RecentsPanelView; -> setContentDescription (Ljava / lang / CharSequence;) V
.line 736
const / 4 v2, 0x4
invoke-virtual {p0, v2}, LCOM / android / systemui / recent / RecentsPanelView; -> sendAccessibilityEvent (I) V
.line 737
const / 4 v2, 0x0
invoke-virtual {p0, v2}, LCOM / android / systemui / recent / RecentsPanelView; -> setContentDescription (Ljava / lang / CharSequence;) V
.................................................. ..............
Add Code:
invoke-direct {p0}, LCOM / android / systemui / recent / RecentsPanelView; -> showMemDisplay () Z
goto: goto_0
.end method
.................................................. .......
- Code search method
.method public show (ZLjava / util / ArrayList; ZZ) V
.locals 1
.parameter "show"
.parameter "firstScreenful"
.parameter "animateIconOfFirstTask"
.annotation system Ldalvik / annotation / Signature;
value = {
"Ljava / util / ArrayList",
"LCOM / android / systemui / recent / TaskDescription;",
">; ZZ) V"
.end annotation
.line 302
.local p2,recentTaskDescriptions:Ljava/util/ArrayList;,"Ljava/util/ArrayList<Lcom/android/systemui/recent/TaskDescription;>;"
Iput-boolean p4, p0, LCOM / android / systemui / recent / RecentsPanelView; -> mAnimateIconOfFirstTask: Z
.line 303
Iput-boolean p4, p0, LCOM / android / systemui / recent / RecentsPanelView; -> mWaitingForWindowAnimation: Z
.line 304
if-eqz p1,: cond_0
.line 305
const / 4 v0, 0x1
Iput-boolean v0, p0, LCOM / android / systemui / recent / RecentsPanelView; -> mWaitingToShow: Z
.line 306
invoke-direct {p0, p2, p3}, LCOM / android / systemui / recent / RecentsPanelView; -> refreshRecentTasksList (Ljava / util / ArrayList; Z) V
.line 307
invoke-direct {p0}, LCOM / android / systemui / recent / RecentsPanelView; -> showIfReady () V
Add To:
invoke-direct {p0}, LCOM / android / systemui / recent / RecentsPanelView; -> showMemDisplay () Z
.line 311
: goto_0
.line 309
: cond_0
const / 4 v0, 0x0
invoke-direct {p0, v0}, LCOM / android / systemui / recent / RecentsPanelView; -> showImpl (Z) V
goto: goto_0
.end method
- Find method code
.method public dispatchHoverEvent (Landroid / view / MotionEvent;) Z
.locals 3
.parameter "event"
.line 394
invoke-virtual {p1}, Landroid / view / MotionEvent; -> getX () F
move-result v2
float-to-int v0, v2
.line 395
.local v0, x: I
invoke-virtual {p1}, Landroid / view / MotionEvent; -> getY () F
move-result v2
float-to-int v1, v2
.line 396
.local v1, y: I
-LTZ if v0,: cond_0
invoke-virtual {p0}, LCOM / android / systemui / recent / RecentsPanelView; -> getWidth () I
move-result v2
-ge if v0, v2,: cond_0
if-LTZ v1,: cond_0
invoke-virtual {p0}, LCOM / android / systemui / recent / RecentsPanelView; -> getHeight () I
move-result v2
-ge if v1, v2,: cond_0
.line 397
invoke-super {p0, p1}, Landroid / widgets / FrameLayout; -> dispatchHoverEvent (Landroid / view / MotionEvent;) Z
move-result v2
.line 399
: goto_0
return v2
: cond_0
const / 4 v2, 0x1
goto: goto_0
.end method
Add method:
.method public getTotalMemory () I
.locals 4
.line 1027
const-string v1, "/ proc / meminfo"
.line 1030
const / 4 v0, 0x0
.line 1032
: try_start_0
new-instance v2, Ljava / io / FileReader;
invoke-direct {v2, v1}, Ljava / io / FileReader; -> <init> (Ljava / lang / String;) V
.line 1033
new-instance v1, Ljava / io / BufferedReader;
const / 16 v3, 0x2000
invoke-direct {v1, v2, v3}, Ljava / io / BufferedReader; -> <init> (Ljava / io / Reader; I) V
.line 1034
invoke-virtual {v1}, Ljava / io / BufferedReader; -> readLine () Ljava / lang / String;
move-result-object v2
.line 1035
const-string v3, "\\ s +"
invoke-virtual {v2, v3}, Ljava / lang / String; -> split (Ljava / lang / String;) [Ljava / lang / String;
move-result-object v2
.line 1036
const / 4 v3, 0x1
aget-object v2, v2, v3
invoke-static {v2}, Ljava / lang / Integer; -> valueOf (Ljava / lang / String;) Ljava / lang / Integer;
move-result-object v2
invoke-virtual {v2}, Ljava / lang / Integer; -> intValue () I
move-result v0
mul-int / lit16 v0, v0, 0x400
.line 1037
invoke-virtual {v1}, Ljava / io / BufferedReader; -> close () V
: try_end_0
.catch Ljava / io / IOException; {: try_start_0 ..: try_end_0}: catch_0
.line 1040
: goto_0
const / high16 v1, 0x10
div-int / 2addr v0, v1
return v0
.line 1038
: catch_0
move-exception v1
goto: goto_0
.end method
.method public handleLongPress (Landroid / view / View; Landroid / view / View; Landroid / view / View;) V
.locals 4
.parameter "selectedView"
.parameter "anchorView"
.parameter "thumbnailView"
.line 759
const / 4 v1, 0x1
invoke-virtual {p3, v1}, Landroid / view / View; -> setSelected (Z) V
.line 760
new-instance v0, Landroid / widgets / PopupMenu;
iget-object v1, p0, LCOM / android / systemui / recent / RecentsPanelView; -> mContext: Landroid / Content / Context;
if-nez p2,: cond_0
move-object p2, p1
.end local p2
: cond_0
invoke-direct {v0, v1, p2}, Landroid / widgets / PopupMenu; -> <init> (Landroid / Content / Context; Landroid / view / View;) V
- Find method code:
.method private createCustomAnimations (Landroid / animation / LayoutTransition;) V
.locals 3
.parameter "transitioner"
.line 475
const-wide / 16 v0, 0xc8
invoke-virtual {p1, v0, v1}, Landroid / animation / LayoutTransition; -> setDuration (J) V
.line 476
const / 4 v0, 0x1
const-wide / 16 v1, 0x0
invoke-virtual {p1, v0, v1, v2}, Landroid / animation / LayoutTransition; -> setStartDelay (IJ) V
.line 477
const / 4 v0, 0x3
const / 4 v1, 0x0
invoke-virtual {p1, v0, v1}, Landroid / animation / LayoutTransition; -> setAnimator (ILandroid / animation / Animator;) V
.line 478
.end method
Add To:
.method private getAvailMemory () Ljava / lang / String;
.locals 8
.line 1019
new-instance v3, Landroid / app / ActivityManager $ MemoryInfo;
invoke-direct {v3}, Landroid / app / ActivityManager $ MemoryInfo; -> <init> () V
.line 1020
.local v3, meminfo: Landroid / app / ActivityManager $ MemoryInfo;
iget-object v4, p0, LCOM / android / systemui / recent / RecentsPanelView; -> mContext: Landroid / Content / Context;
const-string v5, "activity"
invoke-virtual {v4, v5}, Landroid / content / Context; -> getSystemService (Ljava / lang / String;) Ljava / lang / Object;
move-result-object v0
check-cast v0, Landroid / app / ActivityManager;
.line 1021
.local v0, am: Landroid / app / ActivityManager;
invoke-virtual {v0, v3}, Landroid / app / ActivityManager; -> getMemoryInfo (Landroid / app / ActivityManager $ MemoryInfo;) V
.line 1022
iget-wide v4, v3, Landroid / app / ActivityManager $ MemoryInfo; -> availMem: A
const-wide / 32 v6, 0x100000
div-long v1, v4, v6
.line 1023
.local v1, availableMem: A
invoke-static {v1, v2}, Ljava / lang / String; -> valueOf (J) Ljava / lang / String;
move-result-object v4
return-object v4
.end method
.method private pointInside (IILandroid / view / View;) Z
.locals 5
.parameter "x"
.parameter "y"
.parameter "v"
.line 278
invoke-virtual {p3}, Landroid / view / View; -> getLeft () I
move-result v1
.line 279
.local v1, l: I
invoke-virtual {p3}, Landroid / view / View; -> GetRight () I
- Looking for:
# Instance fields
.field private mAnimateIconOfFirstTask: Z
.field private mFitThumbnailToXY: Z
.field private mHighEndGfx: Z
.end annotation
.end field
.field private mRecentTasksLoader: LCOM / android / systemui / recent / RecentTasksLoader;
Add To:
.field private mRecentsClearAllButton: Landroid / widgets / ImageButton;
.field private mRecentsContainer: Landroid / view / ViewGroup;
.field private mRecentsNoApps: Landroid / view / View;
.field private mRecentsScrim: Landroid / view / View;
.field private mShowing: Z
- Looking for:
Iput v1, p0, LCOM / android / systemui / recent / RecentsPanelView; -> mRecentItemLayoutId: I
.line 267
invoke-static {p1},Lcom/android/systemui/recent/RecentTasksLoader;->getInstance(Landroid/content/Context;)Lcom/android/systemui/recent/RecentTasksLoader;
move-result-object v1
Iput-object v1, p0,Lcom/android/systemui/recent/RecentsPanelView;->mRecentTasksLoader:Lcom/android/systemui/recent/RecentTasksLoader;
.line 268
invoke-virtual {v0}, Landroid / content / res / TypedArray; -> recycle () V
.line 269
.end method
Add To:
.method private AsteroidClearAllRecentApps () V
.locals 8
const / 4 v7, 0x1
const / 4 v6, 0x0
iget-object v0, p0, LCOM / android / systemui / recent / RecentsPanelView; -> mContext: Landroid / Content / Context;
const-string v1, "activity"
invoke-virtual {v0, v1}, Landroid / content / Context; -> getSystemService (Ljava / lang / String;) Ljava / lang / Object;
move-result-object v0
check-cast v0, Landroid / app / ActivityManager;
iget-object v1, p0, LCOM / android / systemui / recent / RecentsPanelView; -> mRecentTaskDescriptions: Ljava / util / ArrayList;
invoke-virtual {v1}, Ljava / util / ArrayList; -> isEmpty () Z
move-result v1
if-nez v1,: cond_1
iget-object v1, p0, LCOM / android / systemui / recent / RecentsPanelView; -> mRecentTaskDescriptions: Ljava / util / ArrayList;
invoke-virtual {v1}, Ljava / util / ArrayList; -> iterator () Ljava / util / Iterator;
move-result-object v2
: goto_0
invoke-interface {v2}, Ljava / util / Iterator; -> hasNext () Z
move-result v1
if-eqz v1,: cond_0
invoke-interface {v2}, Ljava / util / Iterator; -> next () Ljava / lang / Object;
move-result-object v1
check-cast v1, LCOM / android / systemui / recent / TaskDescription;
iget v3, v1, LCOM / android / systemui / recent / TaskDescription; -> persistentTaskId: I
invoke-virtual {v0, v3, v7}, Landroid / app / ActivityManager; -> removeTask (II) Z
iget-object v3, p0, LCOM / android / systemui / recent / RecentsPanelView; -> mContext: Landroid / Content / Context;
const v4, 0x7f0b00a5
new-array v5, v7, [Ljava / lang / Object;
invoke-virtual {v1}, LCOM / android / systemui / recent / TaskDescription; -> getLabel () Ljava / lang / CharSequence;
move-result-object v1
aput-object v1, v5, v6
invoke-virtual {v3, v4, v5}, Landroid / content / Context; -> GetString (I [Ljava / lang / Object;) Ljava / lang / String;
move-result-object v1
invoke-virtual {p0, v1}, LCOM / android / systemui / recent / RecentsPanelView; -> setContentDescription (Ljava / lang / CharSequence;) V
const / 4 v1, 0x4
invoke-virtual {p0, v1}, LCOM / android / systemui / recent / RecentsPanelView; -> sendAccessibilityEvent (I) V
const / 4 v1, 0x0
invoke-virtual {p0, v1}, LCOM / android / systemui / recent / RecentsPanelView; -> setContentDescription (Ljava / lang / CharSequence;) V
goto: goto_0
: cond_0
iget-object v0, p0, LCOM / android / systemui / recent / RecentsPanelView; -> mRecentTaskDescriptions: Ljava / util / ArrayList;
invoke-virtual {v0}, Ljava / util / ArrayList; -> clear () V
: cond_1
invoke-virtual {p0}, LCOM / android / systemui / recent / RecentsPanelView; -> dismissAndGoBack () V
.end method
.method static synthetic access $ 177777700 (LCOM / android / systemui / recent / RecentsPanelView;) V
.locals 0
.parameter "x0"
.line 75
invoke-direct {p0}, LCOM / android / systemui / recent / RecentsPanelView; -> AsteroidClearAllRecentApps () V
.end method
.method static synthetic access $ 000 (LCOM / android / systemui / recent / RecentsPanelView;) Ljava / util / ArrayList;
.locals 1
.parameter "x0"
.line 73
iget-object v0, p0, LCOM / android / systemui / recent / RecentsPanelView; -> mRecentTaskDescriptions: Ljava / util / ArrayList;
return-object v0
.end method
.method static synthetic access $ 100 (LCOM / android / systemui / recent / RecentsPanelView;) I
.locals 1
.parameter "x0"
.line 73
iget v0, p0, LCOM / android / systemui / recent / RecentsPanelView; -> mRecentItemLayoutId: I
- Replace 0x7f0b00a5 id with the id that is already in the record before
<public type = "string" name = "accessibility_recents_item_dismissed" id = "0x7f ??????" />
- Looking for:
invoke-virtual {v1, v2}, Landroid / view / View; -> setBackground (Landroid / graphics / drawable / Drawable;) V
.line 488
: cond_0
: goto_0
Add To:
const v1, 0x7f08012e
invoke-virtual {p0, v1}, LCOM / android / systemui / recent / RecentsPanelView; -> findViewById (I) Landroid / view / View;
move-result-object v1
check-cast v1, Landroid / widgets / ImageButton;
Iput-object v1, p0, LCOM / android / systemui / recent / RecentsPanelView; -> mRecentsClearAllButton: Landroid / widgets / ImageButton;
.line 499
iget-object v1, p0, LCOM / android / systemui / recent / RecentsPanelView; -> mRecentsClearAllButton: Landroid / widgets / ImageButton;
new-instance v2, LCOM / android / systemui / recent / RecentsPanelView $ AsteroidClearAll;
invoke-direct {v2, p0},Lcom/android/systemui/recent/RecentsPanelView$AsteroidClearAll;-><init>(Lcom/android/systemui/recent/RecentsPanelView;)V
invoke-virtual {v1, v2}, Landroid / widgets / ImageButton; -> setOnClickListener (Landroid / view / View $ OnClickListener;) V
.line 473
v0 local .end #scrollView: LCOM / android / systemui / recent / RecentsPanelView $ RecentsScrollView;
: cond_1
new-instance v1, Ljava / lang / IllegalArgumentException;
const-string v2, "missing Recents [Horizontal] ScrollView"
invoke-direct {v1, v2}, Ljava / lang / IllegalArgumentException; -> <init> (Ljava / lang / String;) V
throw v1
.line 483
v0 local .restart #scrollView: LCOM / android / systemui / recent / RecentsPanelView $ RecentsScrollView;
- Replace id 0x7f08012e the Code that is already recorded
<public type = "id" name = "dhenz_recents_clear_all_button" id = "0x7f ??????" />
- save
- recompile
- Sign in
- Push to the system: - Framework-res.apk
- Settings.apk
- SystemUI.apk
- Asteroid task manager.apk
- reboot
If it failed yes don't surrender "try again"
- Mastah Adi Aishiteru Reborn on XDA Develover
- Pun Bojo
- Group Maaad...
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