[Tutorial] NAVIGATION BAR BACKGROUND MOD - Hallo sobat Jogja Android Blog, Pada Artikel yang sobat baca kali ini dengan judul [Tutorial] NAVIGATION BAR BACKGROUND MOD, kami telah mempersiapkan artikel ini dengan baik untuk sobat baca dan ambil informasi didalamnya. Mudah-mudahan isi postingan [Tutorial] NAVIGATION BAR BACKGROUND MOD yang kami tulis ini dapat sobat Jogja Android Blog pahami. Baiklah, selamat membaca sambil menikmati kopi.

-Open up Photoshop or GIMP and make your navigation bar background image that you want to use.It has to be a PNG image of about 540x70 pixels.You can take any image from the net: resize it,crop it,change the tint etc, but it needs to be roughly of that dimension.
-After you are done with that image,you will need to make another image so that it can be used in landcape mode.Now the dimension of the landscape image needs to be 70x540 pixels roughly.Usually once you are done with the portrait background,just rotate it by 90 degrees to get the landscape image.Remember that both need to be PNGs.
-Save the portrait and landscape images with any name.For example i will use "raja_nav_bg.png" for the portrait image and "raja_nav_bg_land" for the landscape image.
-Now,it's time to use those images in our SystemUI.apk.
-To do this first decompile SystemUI.apk using apktool.You will now find a SystemUI folder in your apktool path.
-Copy the two images that you made earlier and paste them in this path:


-Now the thing is that we need to edit 3 XML files.All these XML files are located in the layout folder of SystemUI and are related to the navigation bar background.Each of them point to a hexadecimal colour code.We need to change that and make them point to a drawable resource,which in our case are the 2 images that we made.
-To do this first go to SystemUI/res/layout and open the file navigation_bar.xml with Notepad++.
-Change this line :

<com.android.systemui.statusbar.phone.NavigationBarView android:background="@drawable/nav_bar_bg" android:layout_width="fill_parent"

<com.android.systemui.statusbar.phone.NavigationBarView android:background="@drawable/your_portrait_image" android:layout_width="fill_parent"
Remember that in the @drawable part,we do not have to give the extension of the file.Just the file name.

-Now navigate below in the page near the Frame Layout section that says android:id@id/rot90 and add this to the existing code :

So the existing part becomes something like this after the addition :

FrameLayout android:id="@id/rot90" android:paddingTop="0.0dip" android:background="@drawable/your_landscape_image" android:visibility="gone" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent">
-Now save the XML file and close it.

-In a similar and identical manner we need to edit the navigation_bar_naked.xml and navigation_bar_search.xml.
2 edits in each of them.One near the FrameLayout for landscape and the other one at the top for the portrait image.

-After editing all the files,save them and exit.
-Now copy this changed SystemUI folder to ICS apktool folder and recompile it.Follow the steps that i stated earlier on how to recompile and you will have your modded SystemUI.apk

Then either use ADB or a flashable zip file to use the new SystemUI.apk on your phone!

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