[Tutorial] PULLDOWN BAR MOD - Hallo sobat Jogja Android Blog, Pada Artikel yang sobat baca kali ini dengan judul [Tutorial] PULLDOWN BAR MOD, kami telah mempersiapkan artikel ini dengan baik untuk sobat baca dan ambil informasi didalamnya. Mudah-mudahan isi postingan [Tutorial] PULLDOWN BAR MOD yang kami tulis ini dapat sobat Jogja Android Blog pahami. Baiklah, selamat membaca sambil menikmati kopi.

This mod is for the bar that we get when we pull down the notification dropdown.This has been done many times before but I will share it nevertheless as some users cannot find what they want.

It is a simple mod that doesn't require editing any XML files.It does however require the patching of a 9.PNG image.
We shall be using Yorzua's method here which will help us in optimizing the 9.PNG image so that the 7zip drag-and-drop method can be used here,rather than going into the lengthy process of decompiling the SystemUI.apk,pasting the unoptimized 9.png in it and recompiling it again). 9.PNG images get optimized on recompiling,but Yorzua's link lets us use a tool which will optimize the image beforehand so that we can just drag and drop it there).

-Firstly open up SystemUI.apk with 7zip or Winrar.
-Navigate inside the drawable-hdpi folder and find the file status_bar_close_on.9.
-Drag it and drop it on the desktop.We will use this file for reference purpose while patching the 9.PNG image.

-Now open up Photoshop or GIMP and make your bar image.It should be a PNG image of around 476x42 pixels(This is variable and the width can be anything within 480 pixels and the height can be within 48 pixels).Save it as status_bar_close_on.png.
-So now we have your PNG ready and we need to make it a 9.png using the draw9patch.bat file in the Android-SDK.Many people prefer to do it with Eclipse but that's just complicated and a miserable way of doing it.

-At this stage,I expect you to have read enough about 9.PNG images from the links i gave at the start of this thread.If you haven't then go and read it as it might be a bouncer otherwise.
-Now open draw9patch.bat and drag the ORIGINAL status_bar_close_on.9.png image that you had taken from the SystemUI.apk and drop it in the tool.

-Observe how the borders of the image are and how the pixels have been drawn at all the borders.Each pixel is important and changing even one of them can result in a big visual difference.These pixels contain the stretching information and changing them can change the whole behaviour of these images.Remember the pattern and the coordinates of these pixels as you will have to need to do the same thing while patching your status_bar_close_on.png.You can change one or two pixels in the left and top border just to see how the image stretches in the right viewing pane of draw9patch tool.

-After you got an idea of these 9.png files,you have to do make the same border so that it stretches properly with your status_bar_close_on.png image.
For reference,you can use this 9.PNG file of mine also :
-After you are done patching the image properly save it as status_bar_close_on.9.png
-Open SystemUI.apk again with 7zip or Winrar and navigate to the drawable-hdpi folder.

-Drag and drop your new 9.png image that you made and overwrite the existing one.
-Close the apk.
-Your modded SystemUI.apk is now ready.
-Use ADB or a flashable zip for getting it on your phone.

Sumber : http://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-s2/themes-apps/tutorial-ics-aokp-cm9-updated-t1783525

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